The Truth About Stubborn Belly Fat

diet & nutrition Feb 15, 2021

That one place that drives us all crazy! That stubborn belly fat that we just can't seem to rid our waistline from!

Well I am here to let you know, why you have it and how to lose it. 
Why you have it is simply by design. We are designed to carry extra weight in our midsection specifically to protect our organs. For women who struggle with the "pouch", that is there because of our uterus and to allow protection and growth for potential pregnancies. 
There are ways though to lose it and slim down, here are some reasons why you may not be losing it and are listed in no particular order.
1. Stress Levels - cortisol levels are raised during times of stress and there are 4x more cortisol receptors in our mid-section then any other tissue in our body. So when we experience prolonged periods of stress, it signals our body to protect itself - which means your organs. How does our body protect our organs? It holds on to the fat barrier in front of them. 
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Protein Pointers - What do you really know about Protein?

diet & nutrition Feb 08, 2021

Protein is essential to a well balanced diet, but how much do you really know about it?

Aside from an overall healthy diet, protein plays a key role in how your body repairs itself, when working towards your Fitness goals. 

A huge misconception is that meat is the only viable source of protein, plant based sources are completely underrated and forgotten about. There are protein sources in every food group!

Once you have educated yourself on all the sources of protein, there still remains the question of how much Protein do you need? Are you actually meeting that daily amount of Protein?

Living healthy and working towards your fitness goals, is best accomplished when you know the facts. What protein is, along with how and why it is beneficial to you.

After watching this introduction to Protein Pointers, CLICK HERE to check out my ebook and get even more in depth knowledge, about Protein the role it plays in your Health & Fitness and how to ensure you are getting enough....

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Diet & Nutrition Hack for your Health & Fitness Goals

diet & nutrition Feb 01, 2021

Keeping that diet of yours in check is not always easy, so here is a hack that is going to help you out!

I always want to ensure your health and nutrition stay on point, avoiding any tendency you may have to veer off course with your Health & Fitness goals. 

This is an amazing tip that is going to work with you, to enjoy the foods you love, without the guilt or calories! 

Sounds pretty great, doesn't it? That's because it is!

Check it out along with the amazing programs I offer, with loads of ways that you can reach your Health & Fitness goals!

What are you waiting for?


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Cardio & Core Tabata Workout

Uncategorized Jan 25, 2021

Join me for a Cardio & Core Tabata Style Workout!

No gym equipment needed and only 20 min! That's right, only a quick 20min to get your heart pumping, body moving and all the benefits of exercise - you can do anything for 20min!

Let me take you through circuit style exercises, I will provide demo's and a sound timer to keep you on track. 

Also modifications are available with the exercises, which will allow you to take this quick Cardio & Core Tabata workout at your own pace. 

Thanks for joining me and don't forget to check out my website for more information on Health & Fitness Coaching - I'm here to help you reach your goals!!

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Weekly Workout Plan Must-Haves

Uncategorized Dec 17, 2020

Simple things that your weekly workout routine needs for best results!

Build lean muscle tone to help with fat loss and create balanced functional fitness.

How to use these key factors in deciding which workouts to do and what group fitness classes to take.

This is the fundamental fitness information that will help you finally lose the fat, stay balanced, and be able to apply it to any stage of life!

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