The Truth About Stubborn Belly Fat

diet & nutrition Feb 15, 2021

That one place that drives us all crazy! That stubborn belly fat that we just can't seem to rid our waistline from!

Well I am here to let you know, why you have it and how to lose it. 
Why you have it is simply by design. We are designed to carry extra weight in our midsection specifically to protect our organs. For women who struggle with the "pouch", that is there because of our uterus and to allow protection and growth for potential pregnancies. 
There are ways though to lose it and slim down, here are some reasons why you may not be losing it and are listed in no particular order.
1. Stress Levels - cortisol levels are raised during times of stress and there are 4x more cortisol receptors in our mid-section then any other tissue in our body. So when we experience prolonged periods of stress, it signals our body to protect itself - which means your organs. How does our body protect our organs? It holds on to the fat barrier in front of them. 
2. Calorie Deficit - in order to lose any fat you need to be in a calorie deficit and I'm sorry to say but for most, the last place you will lose fat is in your belly area. This means your calorie deficit needs to be maintained for a long period of time to see results.
3. Poor Digestion - a proper diet with probiotics and regular bowel movements is important to avoid bloating and of course the uncomfortable feeling of feeling "backed up". Ensuring healthy digestion will leave your belly looking flatter. 
An easy way to look at all this, is to remember what is good for your body is good for your belly. 
If you are struggling and could use guidance to enter into a healthy calorie deficit or ensuring your digestion health is on track. I have a variety of opportunities for you to work with me, to help you reach your goals and maintain them.

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