Too Much Cardio?

Uncategorized Aug 16, 2021

Time to break up with the treadmill a.k.a too much CARDIO!

Just about every new client I take, is doing too much cardio and not seeing the results they want. This is what my coaching helps with and that is showing you the errors in your current process and your roadblocks so to speak, that are preventing you from reaching your goals.

If your entire workout structure is based around cardio, you are doing too much! If your goal is sustainable weight loss - which for most people it is. We all want to feel good, then too much cardio is holding you back. 

Here are 3 reasons why:

No. 1 - Most cardio is high impact and when you are consistently beating your body into the ground, this is hard on your joints and will create inflammation. This will cause you to puff up from swelling and slow your recovery down, which will set you back in your goals. 

No. 2 - Tons of cardio depletes your energy source and therefore sparks your hunger hormones. Your body needs more energy and so you want to eat more, which makes it that much harder to maintain your calorie deficit - the key to fat loss. 

No. 3 - Too much cardio inhibits muscle growth. Your body is using its energy source for all the cardio and not leaving enough for muscle growth, which is what we are aiming for and why balanced training is so important. Cardio burns all the fuel and we need the fuel to repair and build our muscles for out strength workouts.

I am telling you this because you need to understand the 'why' behind your workout. Cardio should be part of your workout program as a whole but should not be the sole focus of it. 

Cardio should be used as an "accent" in your program. Signs that there is too much cardio in your workout regime is that you feel extra hungry, inflamed and you aren't getting any stronger. 

To get started head over to my Instagram Page and find THREE of my strength workouts and see how you feel after that. 

Another option is to check out my Bring out your Badass program CLICK HERE

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