The Tools You Actually Need to Get Results


Nutrition is the topic of the day! This category has been a hot topic with clients.

Tools to put you in a calorie deficit:

No. 1 Intermittent fasting

No. 2 High/Low Carb or High/Low Fat diets

No. 3 Meal timing tricks 


Eliminate all the above rules mentioned and just focus on what matters the most and that is "Are your calories in the right range to put you in a calorie deficit?"

Keeping in mind that you don't want to create a deficit that is so low, you are going to downgrade your metabolism, you're going to have low energy, it's going to effect your hormones or you're going to hungry all the time.

A tool to accomplish this includes tracking your food. The point of this is to learn what amount of food will equal your specific target calorie intake and to eventually be able to intuitively know when you have reached your limit.

Once you learn how your calories play out in a day, you can start playing around with your foods and having all those fun treats you enjoy - knowing you are staying within your target calorie range.

Comment about which diet or food hack you have been interested in and I will let you know what a better approach could be to take.



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