No More Diets


It is time to break up with dieting FOREVER!!

Anyone who diets, has probably gone on and off either the same diet or has tried every fad diet under the sun. This of course leads to either never seeing results or not being able to sustain them.

When I was 15 or 16 years old I started trying all sorts of diets that never got me to my goals and instead left me feeling defeated and with a feeling of being weak minded. That maybe this was something I just couldn't do.

Generally when we go on a diet, it is always about exclusion and eliminating the "bad foods", which means the first thing you are going to think about when you start this new diet, are ALL the foods you are NOT supposed to have! That is just how our brain works. So when our will power breaks and we finally have one of those "naughty" food items, we feel completely off track and then throw the whole plan and diet out the window.

You want a flexible meal plan that includes all those things that we crave. If we go to a restaurant and have a "cheat meal" we consider ourselves "OFF" our diet that night. This creates the cycle of off and on dieting. Instead of creating a flexible diet specific to your needs and goals that allows you to enjoy food and not enter a negative head space. 

Diet mentality is a No, No!

You need a Nutrition Plan, which restructures your mindset around food and health. 

In my courses, I teach you how to build meals and create a full day of eating that is going to give you awesome health, help you lose fat AND allow you to have wine, or sweets or whatever your craving is. 

One of the biggest action items I get my clients to do, is tracking their food! This allows you to learn where you calories are coming from and what part of an overall healthy diet you could be missing and need more of. These type of exercises, allows you to learn about your food choice and eventually allow you to make healthy choices naturally.

So the goal is to NOT be on a diet. My coaching programs mean no dieting and no cutting out the things we love.

Check out my Eat for Nourishment Course HERE



Pre-recorded Live Training


50% Complete

Two Step

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