How to setup intervals for your workout

fitness workout Aug 09, 2021

I am a firm believer in timing your workouts! We tend to underestimate the time we are doing actual work and over estimate out rest time. So having a timer click down will keep us accountable, avoid distractions and make sure you are getting the proper amount of work done

Do you use an interval timer? I am going to share a couple of apps that I use and recommend. 

App No. 1 - Interval Timer (demo available in video) and is FREE

App No. 2 - Trainerize, a more detailed app that allows you to track information about your workout and this is the tool I use in my coaching programs, so the interval timer is only one element. This is a PAID app. 

All the workouts and tracking in your coaching program with me is done on the trainerize app and as your coach I get to see when you are accessing your workouts. It helps me personalize your program and I cannot speak enough about how amazing this app is. Of course this app is only one element of the full coaching experience you get with me.

Try it out and tag me on Instagram!

* Pre-recorded video any promotions mentioned are no longer valid



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