Eating Healthy for Fat Loss

diet & nutrition Aug 23, 2021

We start by breaking this into two categories: Eating for Health & Eating for Fat Loss

➡️To begin we will look at Healthy Eating which highlights getting in lots of micronutrients. They are the things in food that bring us better health, making us feel good, make us feel healthy and make us more energized. We need a balance of micronutrients in our diet to have long-term health. 

This includes a lot of whole foods and lean proteins. You want to stay away from high processed foods that can be inflammatory and damaging to your health.

The downside is that it can feel restrictive, making every day life feel a bit more stressful around your diet. As well it doesn't guarantee fat loss.

➡️Looking at the other side of the chart, focuses on a calorie deficit - so calories in and calories out. We want to make sure we have proper ratios with your macro nutrients. 

It doesn't matter as much what is on your plate, as long as you are staying within your calorie deficit and tracking your calorie intake - this gives a lot more flexibility in your diet. Having to track these things also gives you the opportunity to learn about what you are eating.

➡️Refer to the grocery list presented in the video for a break down of what should be on your shopping list

➡️Meal Prep - you want to make sure you are getting enough of all these food groups. My own tip for meal prep is staying away from those containers with little compartments. A trick I use, which I find gives more variety is to meal prep all the components for your meals and then pull what you feel like eating each given day instead of having it already put together. 

➡️Once you have gotten it under your belt that you should be having a fair amount of whole foods on your plate, in order to obtain fat loss you need to get into what is going to help you achieve your goals - flexible dieting. 

➡️To calculate your flexible dieting range, follow the Calorie Range slide in this presentation.

Remember consistency is key!

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