Ditch the scale and have better success!


*Pre-recorded video, live training series has already aired and giveaway mentioned is no longer valid.


We are always so hell bent on seeing the scale number going down and that is a mindset we create for ourselves.

Anyone who has been following me, knows that I HATE the scale and think that it is a terrible piece of equipment - why is this even a thing to have in your bathroom?

We are so attached to the number on the scale and it effects our self worth and can set the tone for our entire day and that is NOT how we should be living our lives. 

We need to understand why we are so attached to it and then we can start to let go of that attachment. 

No. 1 There is no magic number that is going to fix everything. Chasing that number is going to take away from the things we should actually be doing in a weight loss and fitness journey. Chase a feeling not a number! If you are hoping to watch that number go down every day, you are either feeling discouraged and if it is going down everyday then you are actually doing something WRONG. You should not be losing weight that fast and could cause you problems later on. Your progress can be measured in other ways that will actually make you feel better. 

No. 2 We are addicted to instant gratification. We want our workout yesterday to be reflected on the scale the following day. We have to let go of that mentality that we are going to get instant results. Weight loss and Fitness journey's are a long-term game and commitment. I don't even own a scale - SHOCKER, I KNOW! I had to train myself to eliminate that addiction of instant gratification with the scale. 

No. 3 If you can use the scale as data and nothing more, then all the power to you. That is hard for most people but if you can use it for information and it doesn't shape your mood for the rest of the day, then that's great!

No. 4 A better alternative is taking measurements and progress pictures 2-4 weeks apart. That is going to give you the best visual to see your physical progress. Sometimes when we are focused on the details, we can't take a step back to see the bigger picture and how looking at results over a longer term are more satisfying and rewarding, to see all your effort is paying off. 

No. 5 Another method to measure your progress is track your workouts - I'm not talking about how many workouts you are doing. I want you to note how difficult you thought the workout was, how was your breathing, how did you feel afterwards. As time goes on you are going to see that you have more energy, you are able to lift heavier and these are the type of measurements that will give you a positive reinforcement and this is really the stuff that matters. 

Taking yourself away from the scale, forces you to focus on the bigger picture and measure your progress in more positive ways, which will make you feel better. It will also make you more knowledgeable on the progress that matters, lifting heavier, more energy, clothes fit better. These are more true ways of progress measurement. 

It's about the feeling NOT the number!

Can you not weigh yourself for a whole week?


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