How to Beat Gym Awkwardness

fitness May 10, 2021

Why this topic? Because my new group is getting comfortable with a gym setting and I want you to know it is okay to feel awkward and uncomfortable in a new setting.

I felt so awkward when I started at the gym, your sweating, spitting, making noises, your in awkward positions and it can be super uncomfortable with other people right next to you - especially if right now you aren't totally comfortable with your body.

Give yourself a chance - just like anything else! To get used to something new.

My first experience with the gym was to head straight to the machine I knew how to use and stay on it for an hour, just checking out what everyone else was doing. I was terrified to even branch out to a yoga mat because I just had no idea what I was doing.

 So here are my tips to GET COMFORTABLE:

➡️  Take a Lap - Walk around and familiarize yourself with where each type of equipment is and take a look at what other people are doing

➡️  Put your headphones in! Get yourself in the zone! No one is really socializing at the gym, they are doing their own thing. No one is concerned with what you are doing.

➡️  Have a plan!! Know what you are going into the gym to do, check out my IG if you need ideas.

➡️   Know that you have the right to take up space and use the equipment. Everyone is at the gym for the same reason.

I'm challenging you to branch out, if you are someone who is nervous to tackle the gym!

Do it for you and any fear you have of judgement from others will disappear!


**This video is pre-recorded at an earlier date


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